Deepen Your Experience

Exclusive Tantric Companionship

1 hr Let's Get Acquainted $1,500
1.5 hr Sultry Introduction $2,000
2hr Sultry and Unrushed $2,500
3hr Coffee and Desert $2,800
4hr Dinner and Desert $3,000
16hr Dinner Overnight Breakfast $6,000
1 day Dreams Do Come True $9,000
2 day Unforgettable Weekend $12,000
3 day Need A Vacation? $15,000
4 day Let's Escape Reality $18,000
5 day Never-Ending Fun $21,000


Want More?  Please Inquire

1hr Let's Get Acquainted £700
1.5hr Sultry Introduction £800
2hr Sultry and Unrushed £900
3hr Coffee and Desert £1,100
4hr Dinner and Desert £1,500
8hr Let The Day Linger  £3,000
16hr Dinner Pillow-Talk Breakfast £4,000
1 day Dreams Come True £5,000
2 day Unforgettable Weekend £7,000
3 day Need A Vacation? £9,000


Want More?  Please Inquire

1hr Let's Get Acquainted €700
1.5hr Sultry Introduction €900
2hr Sultry and Unrushed €1,000
4hr Dinner and Desert €1,500
16hr Dinner Overnight Breakfast €3,000
1 day Dreams Come True €4,000
2 day Unforgettable Weekend With Me €6,000
3 day  Need A Vacation? €8,000
4 day Let's Escape Reality €9,000
5 day Never-Ending Fun! €10,000


Want More?  Please Inquire

1hr Let's Get Acquainted ₹90,000
1.5hr Sultry Introduction ₹100,000
2hr Sultry and Unrushed ₹120,000
3hr Chai and Desert ₹150,000
4hr Dinner and Desert ₹170,000
6hr Let's Explore The Sights ₹200,000
16hr Dinner Overnight Breakfast ₹400,000
1  day Dreams Do Come True ₹550,000
2  day Unforgettable Weekend With Me ₹700,000

Want More?  Please Inquire

1hr Let's Get Acquainted S$1,200
1.5hr Sultry Introduction S$1,400
2hr Sultry and Unrushed S$1,600
4hr Dinner and Desert S$2,000
6hr Let The Day Linger  S$2,400
16hr Dinner Overnight Breakfast S$5,000
1 day Dreams Do Come True S$6,400
2 day Unforgettable Weekend  S$11,000

Want More?  Please Inquire

1hr Let's Get Acquainted $1,000
1.5hr Sultry Introduction $1,200
2hr Sultry and Unrushed $1,400
4hr Dinner and Desert $1,600
16hr Dinner Overnight Breakfast $4,000
1 day Dreams Do Come True $6,000
2 day Unforgettable Weekend With Me $8,000
3 day  Need A Vacation? $10,000
4 day Let's Escape Reality $12,000
5 day Never-Ending Fun! $14,000

Want More?  Please Inquire

Fly Me To You
  USA EU Asia
8 hrs - - $4,000
16 hrs  - - $6,000
1 day - €10,000 $9,000
2 days $15,000 €13,000 $12,000
3 days $20,000 €14,000 $15,000

Please Inquire as rates and minimum required time may change if I am already near or far from your continent. Travel time is included in the above with the assumption that I will be coming from South East Asia.

Please familiarize yourself with my FlyMeToYou Guidelines here.

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Fiery & Meditative
An opportunity to enjoy the fruits of life, and if you wish, an option to be introduced to classical Tantric concepts that reveal your body's energetic blueprint, leaving you relaxed, yet energetic, grounded, focused, and wanting more.


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