The master asked me to come to the front. He needed help demonstrating to the new students how Light works.

I hesitated.


“Oh, do what?!” In that very moment I realized that those are the two tasks I absolutely did not know how to do.

That was over a decade ago, and I never would have imagined that it would become the foundation, and core distinction, of when I teach men online the practices and required mindsets for orgasm without ejaculation. For now we can categorize it as a more matriarchal approach, as opposed to a patriarchal, and let’s honor its truth by mentioning – it is a lot more powerful, long-lasting and effective. 

His words only added to my nervousness, and those words have stayed with me to this day.

I really took them to heart. 

I was in a place where no one cared who I was, what I looked like, what I had achieved, or what I know. The only question was, “Can my body accept Light?”

I trained for this for months. Others could do it instantly. You guessed it. Those that could relax and be themselves, relax all that they thought they were, all that they thought they needed to be, relax all tension inside them that worked overtime to keep their “masks” on – yes, those peoples’ bodies could accept Light instantly.

So what did accepting Light look like?

When working with this teacher, you would stand in front of him and he would hold your hand tight, because if he didn’t, you would fly back and fall down pretty hard.

Sounds fake I know. It even looks fake if you are watching it unfold…until it happens to you. (If your body could not accept Light, you would not shake or move.)

I slowly walked to the front of the temple where the master was standing. We had worked extremely long hours for one month everyday to make it so my body and mind released all tension, and my cells could accept Light. But now, standing in front of the classroom, I was nervous and tense once again, wondering if “it would work” while a crowd was attentively watching.

I held out my right hand as if I were going to shake his. He reached out and held my hand tightly. I looked at his eyes scared, plus his eyes were scary to me. They were filled with so much wisdom and depth I could barely look at them. He knew everything.

Slowly I started shaking. You don’t understand this type of shaking. Not shaking like what you get from shivers or goosebumps, or even dancing. Shaking like you are holding the end of a rope, and shaking it hard with vigor like your life depended on it. Shaking like your entire body is making a fast snake-like motion. Faster than you can imagine.

He held my hand tight and took one slow and calm step forward towards me, while I was shaking so rapidly that I was jumping up and down and being propelled backwards. 

The strange thing, it was not exhausting. It actually tickles, and also makes you laugh because it is just funny. It is difficult to explain.

It is like all your senses are wondering how this is possible, and you have no choice but to respond with laugher and conclude, “This is actually reality,” while everything you thought was real flashes across your mind, and for the first time recognize its illusion. You can’t do anything except laugh from such a body-felt revelation.

People say this world is a cosmic joke, and in that moment I understood this in every cell of my awakened body.

I was relaxed and myself…and nothing else mattered.

I stayed in that Temple for months studying, and returned time and time again for years thereafter. Temple after temple in India and throughout the East, I found other teachers with the intention of exploring what else I could discover through my body and consciousness.

Walking through each Temple door was like walking through a door inside me that opened, allowing me to walk deeper inwards. Every Temple door was like another door to my soul, my consciousness, my body…until I became nothing but my total self.

There is a joke that states that society wants you to be yourself, however once you become that, society says, “Oh, not like that.”

It makes me laugh because I would not have foreseen that after all my layers of false were dropped, what would be left would be a Tantric Escort.

I gained insight on how a body works and operates on a light/energy level. I experienced the locks and blocks that are created in the body, pleasure and orgasm if there are any mental tensions or exaggerated tantric techniques.

I also witnessed what happens to a body when there aren’t any.

Most Tantra teachings these days are very technical, with many steps, and many promises stating if you do steps 1, 2 and 3, in 6 months you will achieve this goal.

The goal being orgasming without ejaculating. 

This is a topic much misunderstood, and not healthy for everyone to do, or try to do.

This blog is for those already doing it, or curious to try it safely.

“One-size fits all” techniques are provided at workshops or books, and many men run into pitfalls they did not see coming and after months of trials and tribulations with no measurable results in their body.

I started to question all the Tantra schools, their techniques and promises, as I watched my Tantric brothers struggle year after year to achieve this goal, while in reality they were getting further from relaxing, and further from being themselves.

Then there was me, and my decade of experience. Ejaculation and orgasm would automatically separate, even at a first encounter, without the other even knowing it was possible if the right ingredients were present. Imagine their surprise when it would happen.

It became apparent that those without tantric training would actually achieve an orgasm without ejaculating more than those with training and formal background in tantra, and they weren’t even expecting too.

So why does this happen? 

My Tantric brothers would become extra frustrated when I would once again share, “Today someone achieved the Tantra trophy of orgasming without ejaculating, and only in an hour”…

Without tantric technical and complicated techniques, without step-by-step guides to fit the type of logic a mind craves. Is it not obvious that anyone can be convinced to purchase something if it is listed in 3 clear logical steps? This is not how Tantra works.

Tantra is the merger or mysticism and science. Your subconscious needs to be informed before your logic, otherwise your brain is too busy during sex to dissolve itself into this type of all consuming full-body orgasm. 

Naturally, as someone interested in discovering truth, and fascinated by bodies and consciousness, I put all my efforts in bridging this gap, and devised method after method to inform another’s subconscious without words, without promises, just the right touch that would open a person’s inner “Temple door” from their skin to their deep mind…if they were ready for that.

Studying with me online for 6-weeks in my Become a Tantric Man Course is the way to really learn how to separate orgasm from ejaculation for your specific body, and more. 

It works because it is completely customized for your specific body and mind. We get into every possible topic imaginable, and get rid of everything and anything that is holding back your body from feeling maximum pleasure, aka, accepting Light.

For now, allow me to bridge the gap with this Blog.

Tantra for Men, Orgasm Without Ejaculation



1. DO NOT EVER TRY TO NOT EJACULATE! It happens all by itself if all the right ingredients are in place. The expectation alone will have you failing every time, leading to compounding failure, and many months and years of your own personal power, confidence and self-worth as a man crushed.

So do yourself a favor, and forget about being goal-oriented here. Trust an expert when she tells you, IT HAPPENS EASILY AND ALL THE TIME, EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE AND DIDN’T AT ALL EXPECT IT. TRYING TO DO IT WILL MAKE YOU NOT DO IT.


2. EXPAND YOUR MENTAL PICTURE FROM YOU DICK TO YOUR SPINE INSTEAD. THIS IS SCIENCE. Think of your entire body as a penis, not just your penis. Unglue your mind from your cock as the only organ of pleasure, and literally see your whole spine as the “trunk” of your penis, and your head as the top of your penis.

Yes I know, the classic definition of “dickhead” is here 🙂 Literally take a second to imagine this. Picture your entire torso as your penis, and your head as the tip, because what you are trying to do is ejaculate our of your head!

This is what you need to do in essence to not ejaculate out of your cock. You have to “ejaculate” out of somewhere, but you probably didn’t know from where. You probably tried and spent hours and months on non-ejaculation techniques, however never gave your body different route to exit out of…energetically . Your entire body has been like, “Yeah okay, but from where do I exit this energy, aka, from where do I cum if not from my dick.” Answer: Your other head. This alone is life-changing in many ways actually.


3. IDENTIFY YOUR CORE “STOPPING-POINT.” Now you reached a point where you can actually work on mechanically and scientifically in achieving a “non-emissive orgasm.”

Instead of having the goal to orgasm and not ejaculate, pay close attention to your body. We already determined that the orgasm must climb uphill, up your spine to your head. On that long journey upwards, your body will run into “stopping-points,” or areas where the energy does not yet know how to pass through. You have not yet carved the road.

This is why, and exactly where, people use different Tantric Techniques. Also why I constantly state that not all techniques are for everybody!

There are different Tantric techniques for literally each step up your spine.

If you are really interested in the topic, I highly suggest working with an expert, or join me in my 6-week Become a Tantric Man Online Course, as opposed to just grabbing a Tantric technique from the air or from google, hope it is the right one for you, waste lots of time, and most likely even cause some harm to the balance of your system.

So where are those stopping point for you? Do you feel energy only around your genitals? Do you feel energy go up to your heart and stay there? Do you get a headache afterwards, (which means it got stuck in your head)?

Let’s solve those stopping points here today without formal Tantra techniques.


4. INSTEAD OF TECHNIQUES, USE SHEER AWARENESS AND LET YOUR BODY FREELY EXPRESS. Now that you have identified your “stopping-points,” your only goal becomes carving a path through that “stopping-point” upwards your spine with pleasure not tension.

So you enjoy sex, forget about non-ejaculating, and just keep paying close attention to your body and where you feeeeeellll a lot of something – call it energy, light, orgasmic pleasure, sexual energy, whatever.

Here are some examples to explore at a few stopping-points.

If you feel lots of energy stuck in your heart area, take a deep breath, hold it there, then exhale out your mouth letting any sound out that wants to come out with it. Don’t try to make a sound. Another way is to arc your upper spine, this may open a road for your energy to flow upwards and pass your heart.

If you feel energy stuck in your hip area around your groin, move it! You probably haven’t ever moved your hips in all ways. Start to bring any movement to your hips, forward, back, circles, etc. LET YOUR BODY FEEL AND EXPRESS.

Anywhere where you you feel energy is collecting and staying there, that is a stopping-point! Move it, arc it, breathe into it and allow a natural sound out. That is your only task.


5. COMPLETELY STOP THINKING DURING SEX. EVEN IF IT IS THINKING ABOUT A TANTRIC TECHNIQUE OR THIS BLOG. If you are thinking about not ejaculating, if you are thinking about the Tantric technique you learned, if that that technique doesn’t yet come naturally to your body, if you are thinking about anything during sex, your body will go still, your breath will stop, and all tension will be in your body and it will be lacking relaxation. 

This is why people think Tantra IS breathing techniques, but as you can see, it is much deeper than that.

We simply use breathing as a tool to relax the blocks in the body, move beyond the blocks in the spine, or utilize breathing to  stop our minds from thinking. All are just tools to relax and be our natural selves once again, but the tools are not the Tantra. 

Now that it is all written out for you in black and white as a solid blueprint to follow and build your understanding upon, it is these simple things that will make the largest difference. 

I recommend you make a choice to either follow this path on natural techniques as listed above, or to go formally into Tantric Study and Techniques, but not to mix both because it will be very confusing to just learn one formal ancient Tantric Technique here and there, and attempt to bring it into your life. Plus you wouldn’t get much out of it that way.

Everything here should sound simple and like something you might naturally do, and it should sound that way because sex is simple and natural for 2 people who are relaxed and themselves.

Yet most are not, and instead of looking inwards and shedding all that is false about their personality, they overcomplicate the matter, putting more technique, on top of their tense body, and more goals on top of the mask of who they are trying to be, more mental tension as they try to recall an unnatural technique during sex, resulting in a completely barricaded energy system, and locked orgasmic body. 

Tantric sex is simpler that people imagine, and more natural and practical than people imagine.

But if you recall, the hardest thing for a person to do sometimes, is relax and be themselves.

Give yourself this gift today.


With total soul,

Take a Look

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NYC's Elite Tantra Escort | Upscale Companion | High End Tantric Escort in New York City, Miami, Toronto, Montreal, Barcelona, London, and Worldwide. Tantra Coach for Men Training Online Available.


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NYC's Elite Tantra Escort | Upscale Companion | High End Tantric Escort in New York City, Miami, Toronto, Montreal, Barcelona, London, and Worldwide. Tantra Coach for Men Training Online Available.


I’ve been studying Tantra, sacred sexuality, and spiritual mechanics for 15 years. I didn’t learn it as a Tantra Escort. I learned it as a Woman. Allow me to simplify it for you!